Previous Card XF96-0031 GCon - Colonel Marcus Aurelius Belt

Colonel Marcus Aurelius Belt

Demonstration Bureau File Number: XF96-0031 GCon
Edition: Gen Con
Rarity: Demonstration
Suit: Witness
Advanced Game Only: No
Keywords: Witness, Alien, Negate
Activators: Active, Alien, Creature
Investigative Effects: Negates one Alien Creature.
Cost: 2 RP
Episode: Space (1X08) - Season 1
Quote: "I think that whatever it was, he took it with him, and that was the only way he knew how to stop it." - Mulder describing Colonel Belts' heroic sacrifice.
Alternates: XF96-0213v1, XF97-0213v2
  • Gen Con '96
